Ep 01: Toms Niparts


Founder & CEO
Jeff App

In our first interview, we are excited to welcome Toms Niparts the Co-Founder and CEO of Jeff-app.com - a matchmaker between people and loans that gathers and utilizes alternative data to help unbanked consumers in Asia access financial services. 

Toms shares his experience of starting a business remotely on the other side of the world, tips on hiring the top talent with a strong cultural fit as well as insights into the future of fintech and consumer apps. Move fast and break things, but don’t forget to set metrics to measure what you’re breaking. 

CLICK one of the links below to listen to the episode

By listening to this episode, you will learn:

  • Starting a business fully remotely in a different continent, is it possible?

  • Why hiring is the #1 priority for early-stage startups and what are some practical tricks to manage the hiring efficiently and sort through hundreds of applications

  • What growth strategies worked for Jeff in getting new customers in Asia without having a huge marketing budget

  • What are the key responsibilities of a startup CEO

  • What chapters from ben Horowitz’s playbook helped Toms to build his company culture

  • How to balance product obsession with cold, hard metrics

  • Why Square just bought Tidal

  • And last, but not least - will having Jack Dorsey’s beard help you to fundraise

The interview with Toms is available NOW on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and Google Podcasts


Ep 02: Bitcoin + Instant delivery